Liposuction – Everything You Need to Know

Liposuction – Everything You Need to Know Marbella Ocean Clinic

Do you have stubborn areas of fat that won’t go away no matter what you do? Do you feel your figure is spoiled by a particular problem area? Liposuction might be the solution you’re looking for.

The procedure can be used to effectively sculpt your silhouette and remove those lumps and bumps that make you feel self-conscious. Read on as we answer the most frequently asked questions about this treatment…

What parts of the body can be treated with liposuction?

Liposuction is a versatile treatment that can be used on most areas of the body where fatty deposits collect. The most frequently treated areas are the stomach and flanks, hips, buttocks, outer and inner thighs, arms, back, chin and neck area.

In more colloquial terms, people often want to know if we can treat their “love-handles”, “saddle bags”, “bra rolls”, “banana rolls”, or “double chin” – and the answer is yes!

What type of liposuction does Ocean Clinic Marbella offer?

There is a wide variety of liposuctions machines available and many different brand names such as CoolLipo, SmartLipo, AquaLipo and Vaser. You can read more about all the different types here.

Our preferred method is Tickle Lipo – otherwise known as Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture (NIL). This method uses a vibrating cannula which breaks up the fat high at the same time as infusing the tissue with pain-numbing fluid. The vibration can cause a tickling sensation for the patient, hence its name.

How much does it cost?

The cost of your treatment will depend on how many areas you’re having treated, as well as the volume of fat you’re having removed. Liposuction at Ocean Clinic Marbella starts at €2,500.

What type of liposuction does Ocean Clinic Marbella offer?

How much fat can be removed?

It’s important to recognise that liposuction isn’t a treatment for obesity and it’s not an alternative to healthy eating and exercise. Liposuction is best used for areas of fat that prove resistant to diet and exercise. You should therefore have a healthy starting bodyweight to be a good candidate.

Safety is our first priority when performing liposuction and for that reason we will usually only remove up to 5,000 cc of fat (11 lbs) in one session. Larger amounts can be removed but the potential for cardiac and pulmonary complications rises dramatically and the patient must be closely observed.

Where do you make the incisions and how big a scar are you left with?

Incisions sites for liposuction are typically very small and hidden as much as possible. They can be concealed in the belly button when treating the abdomen and waist, in the pubic hairline when treating the lower tummy and pubis area, and in the creases of the buttocks, groin, breast and neck for treating other areas.

We can also place them in existing scars, such as C-Section or appendectomy, or mole removal scars. The incision site does not always have to be right next to the area being treated.

Do you have general aesthetic for the procedure?

We perform liposuction on an outpatient basis, which means you do not have to be fully put to sleep or stay in overnight.

Local anaesthetic is delivered by the tumescent solution that is injected into the area/s prior to fat aspiration meaning you won’t feel any pain. It is now standard for patients to be awake during treatment as this is safest way for it to be performed and patients can normally go home within half an hour of surgery completion.

Removal of larger amounts of fat (above 5,000 cc) does require general anesthesia and an overnight stay.

How painful is it?

There is very little pain during the treatment itself, although you will feel a prodding or tickling sensation.

Following surgery, the level of pain you experience will depend on the amount of fat you’ve had removed and the areas treated. You will be most sore in the two days immediately after liposuction, but this can usually be controlled with over the counter painkillers.

As you continue to heal over the following four to eight weeks you may experience a tingling, itching or burning sensation, or sudden sharp pain, which occurs as the damaged nerve fibres fuse back together.

How long is recovery?

If you have a desk job you can usually return to work very quickly – within a few days. Light exercise/activity is also recommended to prevent blood clots and discourage swelling. Heavy exercise and other strenuous activities should be avoided for two to three weeks.

You may have some stitches and dressings that will prevent you from being able to bathe until they are removed, around a week later. You may also have compression garments to wear for several weeks in order to decrease swelling and encourage loose skin to retract.

Liposuction is a well tolerated but invasive treatment and complete healing of the tissues can take some months. Fibrosis (scar tissue) can cause hardened areas under the skin but this can be helped by massage and radio frequency treatment and is usually gone within four to six months.

In general, final results from liposuction can be seen within six months, but it can take up to a year.

Are there any possible complications?

All surgery comes with risk of complication, such as infection and bleeding, but these are very uncommon.

More common side effects from liposuction include contour irregularities like lumps and dimples, but these are often short-term and resolve themselves as the body recovers and heals.

How long do the results last?

Unlike dieting or exercising, liposuction permanently removes fat cells. The body will not produce new cells, however the remaining fat cells can still increase in size should you increase your calorie intake or become pregnant. This means it is still possible to gain weight.

To maintain your results you should implement good eating and exercise habits prior to surgery and stick with these habits after your treatment.

Want to know more? Contact Ocean Clinic Marbella for a free consultation.