Industry Leading Facelift surgery in Madrid Spain | Ocean Clinic

Industry Leading Facelift surgery in Madrid Spain

Facelift has becoming one of the most popular facial rejuvenation procedures desired. Although in the past the over-corrected plastic look was all too common, today, a skilled plastic surgeon can produce beautiful, natural-looking results. A Facelift, from Rhytidectomy, the surgical removal of wrinkles and sagging skin, is a cosmetic surgery procedure, used to reduce facial wrinkles and other signs of aging and to give a more youthful appearance. Multiple types of lifts usually involve the removal of excess facial skin, often with tightening of underlying tissues and muscles in the patient’s face. The basic idea behind a facelift surgery is to remove excess skin, that is loose and sagging on the face, and to tighten the underlying tissue.

Minimally Invasive Techniques. All types of facelifts can be performed by using the minimal incision or short scar technique. Minimally invasive facelifts offer natural looking results and less downtime. Long Lasting Natural Look. With meticulous attention to tightening and repositioning muscle and skin, in addition to sculpting and repositioning facial fat, plastic surgeon Dr Richard Fakin in Madrid creates a rested, youthful, long-lasting natural-looking result. Many patients look as many as 5-10 years younger and, best of all, instead of looking lifted, today’s patients simply look refreshed, rested and healthy.

"Every man and woman deserves the chance to turn back the clock". Friends will recognize that you look better but they won’t know why. With today’s new surgical techniques and technology, facelifts now last longer than ever before. These modern techniques are also less invasive, which means less swelling and a shorter downtime for the patient. Step-by-Step. Dr Richard Fakin Director and Head Surgeon of Ocean Clinic Madrid begins with a very short incision along the hairline, from the temple, down around the ear lobe and to the back of the ear. After separating the skin from muscle and fat underneath, it is then pulled up and back, and the excess removed. Sagging muscles and tissues can also be tightened, and fat deposits can be removed or repositioned to produce a more youthful shape to the face. Revision. The excess skin that is removed never returns, so you will always look younger than you would have without surgery. The skin does continue to age, however. When new sagging develops, you may, if you choose, have a minor tuck-up procedure to correct it. Dr Fakin will help you decide if a tuck-up is needed.

All about facelift surgery in in Madrid Spain

All about Industry Leading Facelift surgery in Madrid Spain. Ocean Clinic


  • Technical term
  • Duration of surgery
    3-5 hours
  • Anaesthesia
    Sedation + local
  • Discharge from clinic
    Same day / 1 night
  • Fit for society
    10-14 days
  • Back to work
    7–10 days
  • Aftercare and recovery
    Bandage 1 night, chin strap for 6 days


Industry Leading Facelift surgery 3d animations

Facelift full

A full facelift is best described as a combination of separate procedures that affect different areas of the face.

Facelift full PDF

Facelift lower - neck lift

A lower facelift can help to reduce the appearance of deep facial wrinkles, sagging jowls, and sagging and banding in the neck, restoring a firmer, more youthful appearance.

Facelift lower PDF

Facelift mid

A mid facelift tightens the center of the face, reducing wrinkles and age signs. Ideal candidates have not experienced significant sagging in the lower face and neck and are often younger than those desiring a full facelift.

Facelift mid PDF

Facelift mini

A mini facelift corrects signs of aging in the lower face and may also be known by a variety of other names such as weekend facelift, S-lift, or limited incision facelift.

Facelift mini PDF

Facelift surgery video

PAVE-facelift at Ocean Clinic

In this Facelift Surgery video, the plastic surgeons from Ocean Clinic, perform a Facelift Surgery using the PAVE technique.

⇒ find more videos

Industry Leading Facelift surgery photo gallery

Industry Leading Facelift surgery before and after real clinical case 01
Before and after

Lifting de cara y cuello. Ritidectomía (estiramiento facial) con lipofilling (injerto de grasa).

Industry Leading Facelift surgery before and after real clinical case 02
Before and after

Lifting de cara y cuello. PAVE-Lifting cara y cuello con lipofilling.

Industry Leading Facelift surgery before and after real clinical case 03
Before and after

MACS lifting (estiramiento) facial y lifting de cuello con plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP).

Know about Industry Leading Facelift surgery in Madrid Spain

Rhytidectomy Madrid frequently asked

How long does the facelift surgery take?

At Ocean Clinic Madrid 3-4 hours, depending on technique and extent of the surgery.

How long does a facelift last?

epending on skin quality, lifestyle, sun exposition etc 6-10 years.

Can a facelift be repeated?

Yes, often just a minor skin re-tuck is needed to prolong the result.

Are the scars visible after a facelift surgery?

After 6-12 months and normal healing, the scars are almost invisible.

Will I look completely different after a facelift?

No, a good operation keeps your facial features, just rejuvenated.

Facelift Madrid Blog

⇒ Facelift questions answered

⇒ PAVE facelift

⇒ Facial rejuvenation advancements

Testimonials ... patient experiences

Full facelift with autologous fat transfer

During my first meeting with Ocean Clinics plastic surgeons, I was immediately reassured by his real interest in understanding what my objectives were and what he recommended surgically. As a 66 year old, I wanted a fresher look without looking drastically different. This resulted in a lower facelift and upper eyelid surgery.

Having made the decision to consider a facelift surgery, the Patient Manager went through all the various consent papers explaining the pre-op requisites and details of what to expect during and after the operation. Her kind and friendly personality was really helpful. The unique set up of Ocean Clinic makes one feel special and that your welfare really matters.

t was great to be able to call OC day or night and have any questions on your recovery progress answered. The bruising and swelling was quite impressive but does improve! The eyelid stitches were removed after five days and the face ten days later – both painless procedures.

Like childbirth, the immediate pain and discomfort are soon forgotten and well worth the new confidence gained !

I consider being very fortunate to have put my face in the safe and competent hands of Ocean Clinic. What better testimony though of his talents are the before and after photos attached. Knowing how important it is to feel in safe hands, I would not hesitate to recommend Ocean Clinic.

Ocean Clinic Madrid

One of the best clinics for plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine specialized in facelift surgery. With more than 1000 surgeries a year, 15 years of experience and great international reputation, Ocean Clinic in Madrid's Barrio de Salamanca. Luxuriously equipped paying homage to the style and elegance of the building where it is located.

Clinic specialized in plastic and cosmetic surgery. Ocean Clinic Madrid
Oc Madrid

C/ Velázquez nº 109, 1º Izq
ES 28006 Madrid


(+34) 910 56 79 33

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