Non-Surgical Nose Job - Rhinoplasty

Unhappy with your nose? Want to know what’s possible with a non-surgical nose job?

  1. Injecting dermal filler can change the shape of your nose for 12-18 months
  2. Adding extra volume can camouflage a dorsal hump
  3. The proportions of small or narrow noses can be improved
  4. Adding height to a wide or flat nose can give the illusion of a smaller bridge
  5. A nose that’s too upturned can be improved by placing filler in the bridge
  6. Droopy or long noses can be lifted by injecting Injectables between the nostrils
  7. A non-surgical nose job can be a good trial run for full rhinoplasty

Want to know more? Rhinoplasty, learn about your options or contact Ocean Clinic for a free consultation.

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