Kosmetische Zahnmedizin Dental Implants | Ocean Clinic
Dental Implants

Kosmetische Zahnmedizin

Dental Implants

An artificial root made of titanium which is securely placed into the jaw to serve as an anchor for a replacement tooth. A crown is then fitted over the dental implant, matching the colour and contours of the surrounding teeth. Implants can also be used to secure dentures securely.

  • Vorbereitung
    2 consultation visits
  • Eingriffsdauer
    Usually placement in 1 visit, 1-2 hours
  • Art der Narkose
    Local with sedation if requested
  • Gesellschaftsfähig
    2-3 days
  • Arbeitsfähig
    Next day
  • Nachbehandlung
    Regular hygiene and examination visits

Was Sie vor der Kosmetische Zahnmedizin wissen sollten

What to Know Before Kosmetische Zahnmedizin Dental Implants. Ocean Clinic

Dental implants have become the gold standard for replacing missing permanent teeth. They can look, feel and function just like natural teeth so no-one will know the difference.

The effects of tooth loss are both physical and emotional. Gaps in your mouth can lead to a lack of confidence which affects everyday life.

Whether a tooth is missing from the front part of the mouth or further back, the space will show when you speak, laugh, and yawn. While it’s not fair to make assumptions based on appearance, a smile full of gaps can prompt people to think that you’re less healthy, less educated, and older than you actually are. Dental implants, which fill in those gaps with highly realistic artificial teeth, help you look younger, healthier, and more attractive. Having a complete smile that you can feel confident about does wonders for your self-esteem.

Are you are missing multiple teeth and struggle with traditional dentures which are loose and bulky? Dental implants can transform your quality of life allowing you to eat a more varied diet and stop worrying about your dentures embarrassing you.

Immediate implant placement and restorations are sometimes possible in a single visit lasting a couple of hours. However, more commonly, procedures occur in stages over a few months to allow the bone to grow optimally around the implant and become fully integrated. We can place high quality, provisional restorations in the interim so there is minimal disruption to your daily life whilst we wait for healing.


Dr King findet immer die besten Lösungen, erklärt jeden Schritt, den sie macht, und achtet sehr auf Details, das kosmetische Erscheinungsbild, das Lächeln, den Biss usw.

Claudia, 2018

Patients must keep up with your daily flossing and brushing and see our hygienist at least twice each year.

The placement of dental implants is a surgical procedure which is done under local anesthetic. As with all types of minor dental surgery, patients may have some swelling, bruising and pain immediately afterwards. Depending on the exact nature of the surgery and location in the mouth there may be a risk of damage to adjacent structures and this will be assessed and discussed on an individual basis.

Dental implants are designed to last for a lifetime if well maintained. The overlying crown or other dental restoration will require replacement usually within a 5-10 year period. At the Ocean Clinic, we pride ourselves on using only reputable internationally recognized quality implant companies to produce the best possible results for you.

A conventional dental bridge may also be used to replace missing teeth but this requires preparation of the adjacent teeth. If these are otherwise unrestored, nowadays a bridge is considered to be quite a destructive option as compared to a dental implant.

On average we place at least 200 implants a year.

Der nächste Schritt

 Nach Kosmetische Zahnmedizin Dental Implants. Ocean Clinic